DR's banking sector takes part in the 9th batch of the Training program for Bankers of the ISA countries

New Delhi - From the 19th to the 23rd April 2021, 23 representatives from the Dominican Republic banking sector took part in the 9th batch of the Online Training program for Bankers of the International Solar Alliance countries (ISA). 

Officials from private banks, the Santo Domingo stock exchange and the Superintendence of Banks, attended the five day course facilitated by the Skill Council for Green Jobs of India. As stated by the ISA the objective of this week-long initiative was to “develop specific skills for enabling Bankers and Finance professionals to assess techno-commercial feasibility and financial viability of setting up solar PV systems”. 

The Dominican Republic's participation in this course was coordinated by our National Council for Climate Change, our Ministry of Energy and Mines, along with the Dominican Republic Embassy in New Delhi. 

The Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, H.E. David Puig, delivered the inaugural address of the training program. He welcomed all the participants and stressed the key role the International Solar Alliance is playing in spreading awareness on the potential of solar power in all member states, taking into consideration the need to adapt the technical knowledge to local contexts. 

A franco-indian initiative launched in 2015, with headquarters in Gurugam, India, the ISA was conceived as a coalition of solar-resource-rich countries to address their special energy needs. It aims at being "an action-oriented, member-driven, collaborative platform for increased deployment of solar energy technologies to enhance energy security and sustainable development, and to improve access to energy in developing member countries".  

For more information please visit their website :  https://isolaralliance.org


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